Bloomington Family Law Attorneys
Fear. Apprehension. Resentment. These are but a few of the words that come to mind when most people think about the end of a marriage. The traditional divorce method, where spouses hire lawyers to fight in court, often makes those feelings worse.
At Bloch & Whitehouse, P.A., we encourage people to dissolve their marriage in a different way, a way that leaves parties largely free of the bitterness and anger that litigation breeds. That way is called collaborative divorce. Rather than battle in court, parties and their lawyers agree to negotiate to resolve issues respectfully and without any court involvement. In this way, parties can dissolve their marriage without needless emotional harm to themselves and set a course for co-parenting in the future.
What Makes Collaborative Law Better?
Collaborative law is a relatively recent development in the field of family, and one that originated here in Minnesota. With more than 20 combined years of experience as Bloomington family law lawyers, we are aware that the collaborative process can benefit many divorcing couples as follows:
- Control: The traditional divorce process turns your future over to a judge, who does not know you and does not know your family. In collaborative divorce, you and your spouse get to decide child custody, property division and all other issues that affect your lives.
- Client focus: Simply stated, the collaborative process is focused on and tailored to you and your family. Creative solutions are encouraged. By contrast, under the litigation model, the law must be followed and little regard is given to individual circumstances.
- Communication: Unlike litigation, where most communication occurs between the attorneys only, collaborative law teaches the parties how to communicate honestly and constructively. This is polar opposite of litigation, where communication is largely cut off, leading to increased hostility.
- Cooperation: Litigation is by definition confrontational. Collaborative law, on the other hand, encourages cooperation and teamwork. The end result is that most couples are able to talk civilly after divorce and problem-solve more effectively, a very important advantage for those who have children.
- Team: Unlike litigation, collaborative law brings together an entire team that works together to achieve a positive result.
The collaborative divorce process can give you the tools that you need to move forward and build a bright future for your family. By confronting emotions and issues in a positive environment, you can secure a bright post-divorce future for you and your children. We are here to help make that happen.
Contact a Burnsville Divorce Lawyer Today
If you believe collaborative law may benefit you and your family, reach out to the attorneys of Bloch & Whitehouse, P.A., to talk about it. Call 952-224-9977. You can also contact our law firm online.
We represent men and women from Minneapolis, St. Paul and throughout the Twin Cities metro area. For your convenience, we offer free initial consultations and accept Visa and MasterCard.